Risk Analysis-Riskalyze
We all look at Risk differently based on our past life experiences. Riskalyze tries to objectively come up with a risk number that fits your personality and risk tolerance. Once we have that risk number, we try and build a portfolio of investments that make sense for who you are as an investor.
Capture Your Risk Number®
The first step is to answer a 5-minute questionnaire that covers topics such as portfolio size, top financial goals, and what you're willing to risk for potential gains. Then we'll pinpoint your exact Risk Number to guide our decision making process.
Align Your Portfolio
After pinpointing your Risk Number®, we’ll craft a portfolio that aligns with your personal preferences and priorities, allowing you to feel comfortable with your expected outcomes. The resulting proposed portfolio will include projections for the potential gains and losses we should expect over time.
Define Your Retirement Goals
We will also review your progress toward your financial goals by building a personalized Retirement Map. When we are finished, you’ll fully understand what we can do to increase the probability of success.
Get Started!
For existing or future clients, just click the link below to get started and I'll be given a detailed risk analysis to share with you based on your answers